Randy Pruyn Realtor

Contact Info

Support Area:
Port Colborne, Welland, Fort Erie, St. Catharines, Grimsby, Dunnville, Wainfleet

My Social Profiles

Full Service, Modern Approach, Low Commission

Hello everyone. I'm Randy Pruyn, a dedicated father of four, a seasoned real estate agent and investor, and now, your go-to realtor at One Percent Realty Ltd. With years of experience under my belt, I've seen the ins and outs of the market, and I'm passionate about helping families like yours make the best real estate decisions.

What I Offer

Expertise and Focus: I specialize in the beautiful Niagara region, focusing on Port Colborne, Welland, St. Catharines, Wainfleet, Fort Erie, and Dunnville. Whether you're buying or selling in these areas, I've got the local knowledge and connections to make your real estate journey smooth and successful.

Commission Savings: I believe in modernizing the real estate process by leveraging cutting-edge technology to provide you with top-notch service while keeping commission costs low. My low commission rate means you save thousands compared to the traditional 5% commission. For example, on a $700,000 house, a traditional 5% commission would cost you $35,000. With me, it would cost $9,950. That's a savings of $25,050 for you and your family! (Remember, commissions vary in the marketplace, and this is just a sample comparison.)

Full-Service Commitment: From the moment we start working together, you'll receive full-service support. This includes:

  • A comprehensive market analysis of your home.
  • Professional photography and virtual tours.
  • Strategic marketing plans tailored to your property.
  • Listing on multiple platforms to reach a wide audience.
  • Open houses and private showings.
  • Skilled negotiation to get you top dollar.

My Selling Style

I pride myself on being approachable, transparent, and dedicated. I understand that selling a home can be stressful, and I'm here to make the process as smooth as possible. I'll keep you informed at every step, ensuring you're comfortable and confident with each decision.

Marketing Plan

My marketing plan is designed to showcase your home to the right buyers. Here's a sneak peek at what I do:

  • High-quality photos and virtual tours to attract online buyers.
  • Targeted online advertising to reach potential buyers.
  • Social media promotion to tap into a broader audience.
  • Professional staging advice to make your home stand out.
  • Open houses and private showings to give buyers a firsthand look.
It's important to note I will offer the highest level of service in the industry at a fraction of the cost. My focus is efficiency and the ability to leverage modern tools to save me time and my clients money. Your home will be listed on major platforms and showcased on social media platforms. 

Ready to Get Started?

I guarantee that sellers will get top dollar for their homes and save thousands on commission. Let's make this journey smooth, stress-free, and even a little fun. Visit my website at www.randypruynrealty.ca to arrange a free home evaluation or consultation. Let's chat about how I can help you achieve your real estate goals!

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